Spice Up Your Holiday Party With Santa’s Sexiest Little Helpers!

Spice Up Your Holiday Party With Santa’s Sexiest Little Helpers!Spice Up Your Holiday Party With Santa’s Sexiest Little Helpers!

Are your chestnuts roasting on an open fire? Is Jack Frost nipping at your nose? Do you feel that twinge of a holiday themed neck tie slowly strangling you? The Holiday Season affectionately known as; ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ can be downright stressful at times with all the social and familial obligations. In our humble opinion the best way to counteract all those Holiday blues is getting together with your closest friends. The group of guys you’re most comfortable with, where you can truly let loose and be yourself.

Your best friends deserve a Holiday Party the red blooded American male can really sink his teeth into. Create a new tradition by ensuring all the naughty adults have something to look forward to as well. Throw a couple back while watching sexy our Kitty Cat’s™ Strippers engage in the wildest behavior with toys that they got to open and play with early! (Naughty & Nice Strippers do get toys for Christmas!)

The Holiday season is teeming with possibilities. As the years pass we realize that the true meaning of Christmas is being with the people that mean the most to us. This year plan an event that is the culmination of all your precious years of friendship, Whether you’re naughty or nice Kitty Cat Now will provide St Louis’s Santa’s Sexiest Little Helpers! Make sure there’s lots of mistletoe around you might catch our voluptuous Kitty Cats™ Strippers at just the right time! This year create a new tradition to Make Merry and cheer on in the excitement of wildly hot Strippers to reinvigorate your excitement of the Holiday Spirit. Give us a Call or Book Online to ensure your Christmas Party dreams a reality!

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